Friday, March 23, 2012

Operation Redwood

by S. Terrell French
Rating:*****(5 stars)
Age group: 9+
Type: Realistic fiction
This book is about a boy called Julian Carter-Li who lives in California. His uncle is part of a company called IPX and IPX recently bought a forest of old-growth redwood trees and are planning to cut every single one down. When Julian is sick he sees an email which has a very interesting subject line saying Sibley Carter (Julian's uncle) is a world-class jerk. Julian looks at
it and this is how he finds out his uncle is going to cut down redwoods. The sender is a girl named Robin Elder. He replies to her and soon they have a plan to try to save the redwoods, which involves Julian traveling to Robin's house as part of a student exchange program in order to escape a four-week math camp in Fresno, a super-hot place in California. Danny, Carter's best friend, is also part of this plan. But the plan does not go as planned... What will they do????
This books is extremely good and very exciting and it involves a lot of exciting characters and exciting scenarios. You would like it if you like environmental stuff or excitement.
Sexual parts: none
Violence: none, except there is a pretty suspenseful part where they are very high up the ground
and Julian is in danger of a thug who is trying to grab him
Fighting: not really except for the above-mentioned thug
Pregnancy: none
Kissing/romance: none
Stealing: none
Vandalizing: none
***NOTE: There IS something about a "kidnapping" and also Julian and his best friend Danny have to hack into a computer.

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