Saturday, October 8, 2011


by Frank Cottrell Boyce

Rating: **** (4 stars)
Age group: 9+
Type: Fiction

Liam Digby is only 12 but he already has a beard and is about 6 feet tall. He first discovers this when he is stopped at the students-only exit gate at an amusement park and the guard thinks he is an adult. He pretends his fellow classmate, Florida Kirby, is his daughter, and together they do all sorts of things. But then Liam's dad saves him just in time from doing something illegal, and Florida doesn't want to pretend anymore. But then Liam gets a text saying that he has been specially selected to go to a dad-and-kid preview of an amusement park--in China. He convinces Florida to come with him as his daughter, but then Liam gets into big trouble. One of the rides is a rocket--a real one. And Florida is going into space. Without him. What will Liam do?

This book is not supposed to be realistic. But it is SO GOOD!!!!! Frank Cottrell Boyce puts a lot of humor into the book and it really is very funny and good. Also try listening to the audiobook. It is narrated by Kirby Heybourne and he makes it very funny too. However the narrating is kind of confusing because it skips back and forth in time. But that is just about the only drawback. This is a great book.

You might like this book if you like humor.


Sexual parts: no!
Violence: no
Fighting: no
Pregnancy: no. Well yes but only mentioned once and only in passing. Liam's teacher is pregnant so she can't go on a ride with him at the first amusement park.
Kissing and romance: no
Stealing: no
Vandalizing: no
Somebody does get drunk though.

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