Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Sixth Extinction

by Elizabeth Kolbert

Genre: Nonfiction
Age group: Technically, this is for adults. However, mature kids can read it too. So... Mature 13/14+

There have been five mass extinctions in the world, and we are currently undergoing the sixth. The ones in the past have been caused by various things: Meteorites, or ice ages, or volcanoes, for example. This one is not caused by those: It is caused by humans. This book looks at the stories of many different animals that have gone extinct or are on the brink of extinction and examines the many, many effects and impacts of this sixth extinction.

I really, really enjoyed this book. I'm not exactly sure how to summarize it, but I gave it my best shot, and I think it's a decent overview. Each chapter talks about a different animal that went extinct or is very close to going extinct and connects that back to how humans are changing the environment and causing new extinctions. The book is mildly scary, but, then again, the things that humans are doing to the world are very scary. It actually really inspired me to try to do something about all of these extinctions. The book is incredibly well-written, and it's very easy to understand the language. It's interesting; not dry at all. It was well-deservingly chosen as one of the New York Times' 10 Best Books of 2014, and I would recommend it for everyone: We all need to know what effects humans are causing on Earth. However, you should DEFINITELY read it if you are the least bit interested in science. An incredible, well-written, fast-moving, eye-opening book.
Also, I just found out, The Sixth Extinction has won the 2015 Pulitzer Prize for Nonfiction! All the more reason why you should read it! Congratulations, The Sixth Extinction and Elizabeth Kolbert!!!!

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