Sunday, October 28, 2012

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Flies Again

by Frank Cottrell Boyce
sequel to Chitty Chitty Bang Bang by Ian Fleming

Rating: ****` (4.5 stars)
Age group: 8+
Type: Fantasy-ish

This book is about the Tooting family, made up of Dad, Mum, Lucy, Jem, and Little Harry Tooting. They live in England. They have a great life, until Dad gets fired from his job at Small Parts for Big Machines and they lose their car. But then Mum brings home a camper van from her job at Unbeatable Motoring Bargains, and Dad fixes it--and incorporates a new airplane engine into it. They find out the hard way that the car has a mind of its own--and can fly! They name her Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and off they go to see the world. But a mysterious villain, Tiny Jack want Chitty and will stop at nothing to get her--so when the Tootings end up on his private boat, it's not good news. Will they manage to save Chitty and themselves? 
This is a great book. I like it mostly because of the humor, because it really is very funny. There are some more intense-ish parts but it's not super-dark. The Tootings go on really cool trips. Tiny Jack is a really evil antagonist. Plus at the end there's a really big cliffhanger that leads perfectly into the next book!!!

Sexual parts: no
Violence: yes-ish
Fighting: not exactly
Kissing/romance: yes, Mum and Dad kiss hugely in Paris
Pregnancy: no
Stealing: no
Vandalizing: no
There are some intense moments like when Little Harry--wait, I won't tell you that! You just have to read the book!

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