Saturday, September 15, 2012


by Anne Ursu

Rating: ****(4 stars)
Age group: 9+
Type: fantasy.

Hazel and Jack are best friends. They do everything together, from sitting and thinking to sledding down hills. Hazel may be adopted, but Jack doesn't care. But suddenly one day, Jack gets something in his eye and starts being mean to Hazel. Mean! They've been together since they were six, and now he's ditching her for his mean friends Tyler and Bobby, who pick on Hazel. Hazel doesn't get it. She feels sad and alone. But one day, Jack isn't at school. But Tyler knows why. Jack got into a sled with a white woman inside it. The woman took Jack into the woods, to stay forever in her ice palace. Hazel has read enough fairy tales to know what happens next. It's up to her to rescue Jack and save him from the clutches of the White Witch! But the witch is tempting... and she's frozen Jack's heart, and, it seems, his memory. And the woods are full of dangerous things. Will Hazel make it? Or will Jack have his heart frozen forever?

This book is pretty good. It has a lot of fairy tale aspects and a little bit of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. The author does a good job of showing dangerous and creepy things in the woods. They are strange. I will not tell you what they are. But this is a very good book. It was summer reading. Plus it has a really nice cover!!! :)

Sexual parts:no
Violence: no
Fighting: yes
Kissing/romance: no
Pregnancy: no
Stealing: no
Vandalizing: no

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